I had heard of Facebook for years and even been "invited" by a former coworker, but had not done it till now. I found the Butterscotch tutorials very helpful! I have bookmarked their site for future learning.
I chose to join Friends of Ne. Libraries as this fits my involvement in the library world at this time. I added a few friends, became fans of a retail company and financial guru, and added Worldcat to my links. I want to checkout the Visual Bookshelf as posted by Cranefarm, it sounds right up my alley.
Our library does not have a Facebook site but I was able to get to the website through a search of Nebraska libraries.
Social networking has become so important in our daily lives. I know of a several business who market solely through the web. Some newspapers are only available on the web. The digital age marches on. It will be important to keep learning or we will be left behind in a blink of an eye. Thanks again Nebraska Learns 2.0 for the opportunity to learn and pass the info on to patrons.
The more I learn the less I know!
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