Monday, September 19, 2011

Thing 15 & 16 cpd23

Thing 15
Attending meetings & conferences is very important for professional development. It's a great way to network, learn about new developments in your field and investigate new ideas. I have attended many and participated in small group discussions, training sessions, workshops, lectures etc. The suggestions given in the links are excellent for the 1st time conference attendee. There are even hints for the more experienced.

I have never presented at a conference, but have helped with the behind the scenes preparation for several meetings.

Thing 16
Advocacy is what we do everyday. Every time you help a child find a book or smile at the people coming in the door or answer the phone with a cheerful voice you are advocating for your library!

The post had many interesting suggestions for advocacy and I enjoyed reading the ALA suggestions. NPPL has all sorts of outreach and events to put the library in the newspaper and on TV.

Publishing is a new challenge I have not accepted yet. Advocating through social media is something I'm still learning about but I hope to jump in and help promote the next event with the Director's permission.

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