Thursday, January 22, 2009

Thing 19 - Google Docs

Thing 19 - Google Docs

I took some time to explore Google Docs and Zoho Writer. I don't have a lot of experience using MS Office or any newer productivity software. But I experienced the frustration of not being able to view, send or receive information since I have Corel software at home and most everyone uses MS products. I found that Google Docs Templates were much more professional looking than those is Zoho and I found a greater selection of documents and choices. I would definitely use the templates. I really appreciate the auto save function! I have a project coming up at work that I think I will try to download into Google Docs. That way I can work on it at home and send it back (and forth) to my boss for editing, approval, etc. Thanks for showing me these two apps. Maybe I'll just uninstall Corel!! Thanks for the lesson. I can't seem to figure out how to put this into my blog, so I'll copy and paste or is the above correct?

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